Saturday, November 11, 2006

Pint Night 11/08/06 Spaten Optimator

Description from
Spaten Optimator
The classic German dark beer, bottom fermented 'Doppel Bock'.

Flavor profile: Full bodied with a deep dark color and rich roasted malt flavor.
Original gravity: 18, 2 %
Alcohol content: 7,2 %

Available as 12 oz. 12-pack, 12 oz. 6-pack, 16.9 oz. single bottle and 30 liter keg.

1 comment:

AsianSteev said...

Optimator was darker that I expected it to be, very rich brown. Tasted like, and I hate comparing dark beers to it, Guiness, but for me that means having a hint of soy sauce, a flavor that noone else supports me on. Very smooth. Drinkable.